Sep 2017
Pursuant to the Law 177/18.07.2017, in the understanding of the income tax there are not taxable the voluntary health insurance premiums, as well as the medical services provided on the basis of paid subscription, according to Law no. 95/2006, republished, with the subsequent changes and additions, paid by the employer for its own employees, but without overcoming the equivalent in lei of the amount of 400 euro/year. Thus, the subscription-based medical services paid by the employer for its own employees, in the limit of the amount of 400 euro/year/ employee were inserted in the category of non-taxable incomes.
Please be informed that the subscription-based medical services paid by the employer in the limit of 400 Euro / year / employee were not included in the category of incomes exempted from the payment of the social insurance contributions until the date of the Ordnance 25/30.08.2017.
Pursuant to the current Ordnance, the medical services provided on the basis of a subscription in the limit of 400 Euro / year / employee were included in the category of the incomes exempted from the payment of the social insurance contributions. The stipulation is applicable starting with September 3rd, 2017.
This newsletter is issued by ECOVIS Romania as an informing letter over the most important evolutions/changes in the legal and tax fields, and in the investment environment in Romania as well. The information, the analysis and the comments mentioned above are of generic nature and it is not the intention or the imperative of the issuer to be used as a substitute for professional consulting dedicated to individual cases. For advice concerning your specific situation, please contact us directly.
© ECOVIS Romania SRL – 2017