Starting with August 7th, 2017 new sanctions applicable to the employers were introduced.  

A 20000 lei fine for:

  1. The aceptance for work without the conclusion of an employment agreement.Before the date of the publication of the OUG 53/2017, the acceptance for work of up to five persons without the conclusion of an individual employment agreement was sanctioned by a fine between 10000 lei – 20000 lei for each identified person. From August 7th, 2017, through the changes brought by OUG no. 53/2017, the acceptance for work of one person without the conclusion of an individual employment contract is sanctioned by a fine of 20000 lei for each identified person.
  2. The aceptance for work during the suspension of the employment agreement. The acceptance for work of an employee during the suspension of the employment agreement is sanctioned by a fine of 20000 lei for each identified person.
  3. The acceptance for work without the transmittal in the REVISAL in the due lawful time of the employment agreement.The acceptance for work of a person without the transmittal of the work report in the REVISAL in the day before the starting of the activity at the latest is sanctioned by a fine of 20000 lei for each identified person.  

A 10000 lei fine for:

  1. Employees with a partial work schedule & work outside the established work scheduleThe acceptance for work of an employee outside of the work schedule established within the individual employment contracts with partial work schedule is sanctioned by a fine of 10000 lei for each identified person.
  2. If the employer does not keep at the workplace a duplicate of the individual employment agreement for the employees conducting their activites at that unit, the fine is in amount of 10000 lei.


According to OUG 53/2017, the contravenient may pay in maximum 48 hours since the date of the conclusion of the contravention protocol or, according to each situation, since its communication date, half of the amount for the situations mentioned at items 1-4. The employment inspector will mention this possiblity in the signed protocol.