Two more national days off were included in the Employment Code starting with 1st of January 2017. Thus the days of 24th of January and 1st of June were declared as days off by the law 176/2016, respectively Law no. 220/2016.

Two more national days off were included in the Employment Code starting with 1st of January 2017. Thus the days of 24th of January and 1st of June were declared as days off by the law 176/2016, respectively Law no. 220/2016.

In 2017, the legal days off (non-office days) will be:

– 1st and 2nd of January;

– 24th of January – The Day of the Union of the Romanian Principalities;

– The first two days of Easter (16th and 17th of April);

– 1st of May;

– 1st of June;

– The first two days of Pentecost (4th and 5th of June in 2017);

– The Assumption (15th of August);

– 30th of November – Holy Apostle Andrew, the protector of Romania;

– 1st of December – The Day of the Great Union;

– The first two days of Christmas;

– Two days for each of the three annual religious feasts declared by the lawful religious cults, other than the Cristian cults, for their followers.

We mention that Children’s Day, feasted annually on June 1st, will be an official day off for all employees, regardless if they are parents or not.