The taxation of the income derived from the transfer of the real-estate properties from individual patrimony was modified. Starting with transactions concluded after February 1st, 2017, for the transfer of the property rights and of their disjoints, of constructions of all kinds and of their due lots, as well as of all kind of lands
The provisions regarding the registration with the Intra-Community Operator Register before conducting intra-community operations were cancelled. Consequently, the VAT code of all taxable persons registered for VAT purposes will be valid implicitly into the VIES.
The construction tax (“pole tax”) was cancelled. It is not owed any longer starting with the year 2017.
It was eliminated the limitation regarding the applying of the tax exemption for the reinvested profit (deadline: December 31st, 2016), and this facility will be applied unlimited The exemption for the profit tax of the reinvested profit is applied also for the right of utilizing the computer software, without the purchase of the ownership right
It was decreased the limit of the shared capital from 25 000 euro to 45 000 lei (10 000 euro), from which the companies may opt for the payment of the profit tax. The micro-enterprises with a shared capital of 25.000 Euro and who have opted for the payment of the profit tax will maintain
The ceiling for the classification as micro-enterprise is increased from 100 000 Euro to 500 000 Euro starting with February 1st 2017. The analysis is made based on the incomes derived on December 31st of the previous year. The taxation ratios for the micro-enterprise incomes are modified as it follows: 1% for the micro-enterprises with one
The Order 539/2015 requested the employer to derive an annual income equal at least with the RON equivalent of 10.000 $ USA from the activity of software creating, intended for commercialization based on a contract, for each employee benefitting of the income tax exemption. According to Order 2903/2016, starting with the incomes due to the
The minimal value of the monthly child raising allowance is of 85% of the gross minimal salary. Thus, because the gross minimal salary will be increased from 1.250 to 1.450 lei, starting with February 1st, 2017 the minimal child raising allowance will be in amount of 1 232,5 lei (an increase of 170 lei in
Starting with the month of February 2017, are exempted from the payment of the income tax the individuals that derive incomes from salaries and assimilated to salaries from providing activities of seasonal kind, on the basis of an individual employment agreement, concluded for a period of 12 month. According to Law no. 170/2016, the seasonal
The ceiling of the health insurance contribution for the calculus of the incomes from salaries due to the month of January 2017 and its cancellation starting with the salary incomes due to the month of February 2017 The basis for the calculus of the individual contribution for health insurance for the incomes derived from salaries