Feb 2016
The new Fiscal Code brings the following changes regarding the incomes derived from intelectual property rights:
- The increase of the quota for deductible expenses from 20% to 40%;
- It is still possible to opt for determining the income tax as final tax (16%). The option of taxing the gross income is expressed in writing at the moment of signing each juridical relation / contract and it is applicable to incomes derived from activities rendered on its basis;
- There are withheld both the social pension insurance contribution in 10,5% quota, and the social health insurance contribution in amount of 5,5%;
- Exceptions from the payment of the contribution of health social insurance: the persons deriving incomes from intelectual property rights, if they obtain other incomes they pay this contribution for;
- The social pension insurance contribution in a quota of 10,5% is owed regardless if the income beneficiary derives other incomes this contribution is withheld for;
- The fiscal registration is mandatory for all beneficiaries of intelectual property rights incomes (form code 020), regardless of the taxation quota (10% or final tax of 16%) in 30 days since the day of starting the activity / the day of obtaining the first income, according to each situation;
- Starting with 2017, the persons deriving incomes from intelectual property rights will owe contributions for social health insurance for these incomes, even if they derive other incomes they pay this contribution for.