Noutăți legislative
Stimati parteneri, Vă prezentam cel mai nou Tax Alert intocmit de echipa Ecovis Romania. Sumarul sau cuprinde: Legea 296/2020 pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr. 227/2015 privind Codul fiscal Ordonanța de Urgență 220/2020 privind aplicarea unor măsuri de protecţie socială după 1 ianuarie 2021 în contextul răspândirii coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2, precum şi pentru modificarea unor acte
Vă invităm să parcurgeți cel mai nou Tax Alert pregătit de echipa Ecovis Romania. Cuprins: Modificări ”Kurzarbeit” și acordare stimulent 2.500 lei pentru telemuncă –Legea 282/2020 pentru aprobarea Ordonanței de Urgență a Guvernului nr. 132/2020 privind măsuri de sprijin destinate salariaților şi angajatorilor în contextul situaţiei epidemiologice determinate de răspândirea coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2, precum şi
From 1 January 2021, new rules will apply for companies in the UK as a result of Brexit. To familiarise companies with these new rules, Ecovis UK has developed the business guide “Preparing for Brexit”. The guide covers specific information about changes that will impact all businesses – from importing/exporting goods and direct taxation, through
Turkey is struggling with massive tax revenue shortfalls. The government has taken measures to stabilize the situation. So taxes on consumer goods are being increased and measures are being taken to present Turkey as an attractive market for the post-pandemic period. Turkey has faced serious economic problems over the last few years. These include depreciation
Non-resident aliens in the United States benefit from tax breaks. To be able to submit a tax return, a federal Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is necessary. This ITIN could expire on 31 December 2020. What should those affected do now? Non-resident aliens, i.e. people whose (main) residence is not in the US and who
On Saturday 7 November 2020, the Greek Government announced a three-week national lockdown after a sharp increase in the COVID-19 infection rate. Employment and tax measures have been implemented to cushion the financial impact on companies. Financial support of EUR 3.3 billion will be provided to workers and businesses affected by the special measures, which
The Czech real estate transfer tax (RETT) was abolished in September 2020 to support Czech taxpayers as a response to the COVID-19 crisis. The abolition applies retrospectively to all real estate transfers registered since 1 December 2019. RETT that has already been paid can be reclaimed. RETT of four percent was applied on all real
In Colombia, laws 1943 of 2018 and 2010 of 2019 modified the Tax Statute and introduced the Colombian Holding Companies (CHC) Regime to domestic regulations. This provides tax advantages which could also be interesting for foreign investors. CHCs are not a separate type of company, but rather a series of tax benefits for which domestic
Vă invităm să parcurgeți cel mai recent Info legislativ alcătuit de echipa ECOVIS Romania. Info legislativ 28.10.2020 – RO Cuprins: Ordonanța de Urgență nr. 181/2020 privind instituirea unor măsuri fiscal-bugetare, pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative, precum și pentru prorogarea unor termene – în vigoare din 26 octombrie 2020. Ordonanța de Urgență nr. 182/2020
Recently the IFAC (International Federation of Accountants), International Federation of Accountants in Spanish, issued certain considerations related to the safe audit of financial statements in times of Covid-19. These are situations that matter to the auditors but also to those who are audited. There is unprecedented uncertainty in the economy, which can affect those who