Dec 2016
In December 2016 it has come into act the Emergency Ordnance no. 60/2016 for the modification of the Law no. 76/2002 regarding the system of insurance for unemployed and the stimulation of the utilization of the work force.
According to the new legal stipulations, starting with December 2016 the value of the financial aid grated to the employers will increase at 900 lei/month/employee for those that hire specific categories of new employees, with the condition of maintaining of the work relations for at least 18 month.
Thus will benefit monthly of the amount of 900 lei for each new employee:
a) the employers who hire for undetermined period graduates of the education organizations (regardless of the education level); the period of granting the financial aid is of maximum 12 month;
b) the employers who hire for undetermined period graduates from the category of physically impaired persons; the period of granting the financial aid is of maximum 8 month;
Additional benefit: The employers who after the end of the 18 month period continue the work relations receive for each year of continuing of the employment a financial aid equal with the amount due to the social contributions owed by the employer and paid for these persons.
c) The employers who hire for undetermined period the following categories of employees receive the financial aid for a period of 12 month:
- Unemployed aged 45+
- Unemployed that are single parents of mono-parental families;
- Long-term unemployed
- Young NEET people (aged between 16 -24, jobless, not attending any form of schooling or of professional training activities).
d) The employers who, considering the number of employed persons, have fulfilled the obligation of hiring impaired persons, as well as the employers who do not have this legal obligation, but who hires for undetermined period impaired persons and maintain the work relations for at least 18 month, receive the financial aid for a period of 12 month.
e) The employers who hire unemployed that on the day of the employment do not meet the conditions for applying for partial early retirement benefits or for obtaining the retirement rights due to the age limit, in maxim 5 years since the date of hiring, receive the financial aid during the entire time of the employment, until the date of meeting of the retirement conditions.